

End of the year is approaching and it is the perfect timing to re-search within ourselves what is that we want to accomplish in the next months and in the next year. It is an opportune time to reflect instead of react towards the mountain...

Mind full vs. mindful. We all have been there, right? ‘Mindful’ is a state of mind we can foster intentionally. Methods vary as people’s needs, especially when we are under pressure and strive to achieve goals. Recently, a client shared her surprise how companies still...

With one conversation at a time we may not be able to change the world, but we may possibly change someone’s world. There are circumstances in life, as so in business, when it is not about a conversation but is more about creating a space...

You have probably heard the story of a turkey, fed for 999 days by a farmer, each passing day confirming turkey’s trust that the farmer loves the turkey in a life respecting way. Turkey’s life including. But on the 1000th day, just before Thanksgiving, the...

TED Talks curator Chris Anderson explains the 18-minute rule as time ‘long enough to be serious and short enough to hold people’s attention’. When I descended the stage after my 15-minute TEDx talk, I asked my good friend Alex who was there with me, the...

Growth mindset is a well-known concept of not only the ambitious novice – it is also a conscious corporate target of many renowned employers. Carol Dweck, a lead researcher on the topic and author of the book with the same name, states that as humans,...

I now hold an ACC credential by the ICF. What does it require and mean?It means I covered 60+ hours of onsite training, in my case it was 125 hours outstanding coaching program with Intunity Coaches, Gergana Pavlova~Petrova and Plamen Petrov, in 2016.It means I...

Are you the only one who can do the job? Delegation is like parenting: others seem more successful, although you’re sure you are doing no worse than anyone else. And similarly to parenting, once you master that skill, it will rain down noteworthy benefits on you:...

As a first blog post here I share with you my manifesto. Manifestos aren’t just for politicians or artists. Manifestos are for everyone. This are words with which one declares vision, core values and goals to the world. Here is my manifesto, you can sense how it is influenced...