
Purpose creates GOALS


Coaching is a set of tools and practices with the only aim to move your priorities forward. Professionally I am committed to the golden standard in coaching – ICF – and it describes coaching as 

a process that unleashes one’s potential. 

My experience shows that coaching is the fastest route to self-awareness, goal setting, planning, action and desired accomplishment.



It is a purpose-made process.

I will ask questions, create space for insight and you will craft your own way forward.

Bear in mind….

There is this strive for deeper truth in the world in nowadays. We look for it in books, in science, and sometimes even in magic; we listen to people, to media, and rarely to ourselves. Where is this deeper truth?

It is within. It starts with who I am as a person.

It is your inner work that is not a part of your coaching package—it is your part in the coaching partnership. It requires readiness for self-reflection, self-awareness and the intention to [re]define and [re]design your path.

The moment you realize you need to lead and to follow yourself, is the starting point from which coaching can support you to move forward. It is matter of mindset, gutset and heartset.


Make a present to a friend or colleague who would benefit from coaching

  • The perfect gift for someone who is at a crossroad in their working life
  • Preliminary questionnaire for identifying pinpoints and areas of focus
  • 1:1 clarity session with duration 1.15 hour
  • Tailor-made process with a coaching instrument that would best serve to the person
  • Proprieties next steps planning
  • Feedback and additional resources after the session

Coaching is like planting a tree – the best past moment to start was some years ago.

The next best moment is now.

Am I your coach? Let’s make a chemistry check.


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