
Exploring BEYOND starts by exploring WITHIN


Here I am, an ACC!

I now hold an ACC credential by the ICF. What does it require and mean?

It means I covered 60+ hours of onsite training, in my case it was 125 hours outstanding coaching program with Intunity Coaches, Gergana Pavlova~Petrova and Plamen Petrov, in 2016.

It means I have been mentored to polish my coaching skillset, in my case it means I worked 10 hours with my mentor coach Teodora Kamenova in 2020.

It means that recordings of sessions of mine was examined by ICF and I have demonstrated knowledge and emerging proficiency in the application of the ICF Core Competencies, Code of Ethics, and definition of coaching. If you are curious about the standards, please see the links, following the badge

It means also I have experienced coaching as a coach in 100+ hours, in my case it was 160 individual coaching hours so far, starting in 2019. These are, however, far more than hours to count, these are 71 coaching clients so far, 71 individuals who trusted me to support them in their journey to a better and fulfilled self, 71 persons who partnered me so far in my journey to a more fulfilled self.

It has been quite an adventure, and the best about it is that kind of starting off now. For me it means keep relishing the positives that the ‘beginner’s’ mindset brings along – dedication, curiosity and readiness to learn and grow. Because this is the only way one can [try to] serve efficiently.

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